Observational Techniques

Observation is very important in any bodies life and anybody can be more observant if they wish, with a little practice.

One technique I would recommend is a simple one which would be to write, or take a picture of something they have seen that interests them each day for one year. I would recommend to write a few short paragraphs each day for one year with something of interest you see each day. Within this you can go in to as much details as you wish and go deeper and deeper. With this you will find yourself going into more detail each time you write and soon you will remember almost everything you see about that one thing that you write about. Most people will forget the majority of the things they see and only remember the things that stand out to them straight away. This is what you do not want to do, you want to look deeper in to what you see, and discover things you would not normally find.

Another technique which I would recommend is to observe people in a way you would not normally do. With this you could observe any person you wish that you normally see on a daily basis and look at what they do each day and try to figure out if they have a small system for doing every day things. One example could be to see what type of clothes a person wears to work each day and try to see which particular shirt or tie a person chooses to wear each day. With the observation of this person you will soon be able to predict what they will wear the following day. The options are endless and you can choose something as weird and crazy as possible observe. I like to observe some bodies everyday regime at work, to see what they do first when on arrival at work then what they do next each day. Soon after a slight bit of observation I can predict what they are going to do and most times I get it pretty much spot on.

Another observational technique I would recommend is to look at something from a different point of view each day. with this you can see what the object is facing, what it is next to and what is above and below it. I would also recommend looking at an object much deeper. For a simple example you could be observing a mug or a cup. It isn’t just any ordinary mug or cup although it might just seem it. look at not only the colour or shape of it which most people would do. Try to look at it in much more detail like seeing if it has a small chip, and seeing if it has any significant scratches on it. Try to do this with one object each day and soon you will have a memory full with the details you have gathered, which could end up being useful. Once you get good at this you can observe things in much more detail, remember much more about what you are observing, and recall the information you have gathered much easier.

I would first recommend to a person just starting to choose the first option as you can sit back and take as much time as you wish to write about what you are observing. This will help you learn about observation and how to do it. It will then lead you to do the two other techniques I have recommended, but I would say do one at a time as it may end up getting complicated.


Observational Skills And Techniques (Reminder)

I am just reminding my readers that either tomorrow or later this week when I am available, I will be posting about how to enhance your observational skills, opening your mind, memory techniques and what to observe when looking at things.

The sorts of things I will be posting are very useful in everyday life in particular the workplace. They can help you remember to do things, know more about something, and remember where things are.

I know the memory technique I use is extremely useful in the place I work for finding things. It is easy to do with a bit of practice and I always remember where things are once I place them there.

For observational techniques  will teach you how to observe and how to look at things from a different point of view. This can also be useful in the workplace, on people, and on objects.

Reading People’s Hand Movements (Body Language)

Studies have shown that a lot of the communication we do is through the hands, whether it be explaining in more detail or showing how you are coming across to the person. To read somebody’s hand movements is very important and i recommend to all readers to try this out.

When shaking hands with somebody look at how they hold their hand out to shake your hand. Most people will do it straight onwards so the hands are connecting horizontally. However some people may hold their hand with their palms facing down, this is a sign that they are indicating they want to be the ‘boss’ or in charge so to speak. This goes back years and years and can relate to arm wrestling. Hence the winner or the arm wrestle will have their hand on the top of their opponents with their palm facing down.

Some people may use their hands as barriers. if somebody is getting too close or even to personal the person may lift their hands up sub-consiously  to create a gap from the two people. This is quite a clear and easy sign that the person is feeling un easy or the topic of conversation is getting to personal.

When a person is feeling bored or disinterested, you may find them tapping their hands on a part of their body or an object, however if you speak to them directly or say something that may interest them they will stop and focus on what you are saying. This will be very visible in a work place like an office meeting or in schools.

Another hand movement that may show a sign is when a person is talking about somebody or something. They may be saying they like that person or that they have done well at something and smiling, but if you look at their hands they may be clenching their fist or another aggressive hand gesture. This will may show what the person really thinks of that person in the topic of conversation, like they don’t like them or they are jealous of what they have done.

When speaking to a stranger, a person may form a barrier from them which could be folding the arms or holding an object further out from the body than they usually would. However after sometime of talking the person will lower their hands and arms and open up more once they have familiarised themselves with the person and got to know them better.

Another sign is mostly for women. When a woman is attracted to another person they will start to play with a small object if they have it on their possession. for example a woman could be holding a glass and when she is attracted to another person she will start to play with the glass in slow and caressing movements. like stroking the glass or running her finger around the rim or base of the glass. This may be an indicator showing that she really is attracted to the person she is talking to.

Reading People’s Hand Movements

I will be uploading a new post soon on reading peoples hand movements and how these might explain what they are feeling towards you or in general and also how to look for these signs. Keep an eye out for this post, as i feel that it may be very useful for all people to observe others in relation to hand movements and gestures.

Reading People’s Leg Movements

I have studies peoples legs for a while now, in terms of body language. I have found that when a person is feeling un easy or anxious they will tend to bounce their legs up and down (this is more common in men). However for women when they are feeling the same they can move their feet in circular motions when their legs are crossed sat down.

I have also found that when in a non interesting conversation the person will not face you square on, they will stand slightly to one side or face the way they were heading. However once they feel more engaged or interested in the conversation the person will naturally turn to face you square on. It is interesting when you notice this in real conversation because you can determine how the conversation is going for the opposite party. This can work both ways. For example, the person may face you square on at the start and once they feel the conversation isn’t going anywhere or they aren’t interested anymore they will then start to turn away from you slowly.

I encourage you to try these out when you are in real conversation as most people will do this wether it be speaking with friends or family or speaking to a complete stranger, most people will do this and it is very interesting to observe


I thought i would create a post on fibres and other clothing materials. I will be describing how each fibre acts when it is put under a flame and set alight. I will also be explaining what the burnt fibre smells like and what the residue is like for each fibre.

Cotton – When put under a flame cotton will burn and not melt as it a natal fibre from animals. Cotton when burnt smells like burning paper or wood. And the residue is a fine grey ash which can be crushed into a small powder.

Wool – Is very similar to cotton when put under a flame as it burns and doesn’t melt. When burning it smells strongly of burning hair or feathers. However when removed from the flame is stops burning and the flame goes out quite quickly. The residue of burnt wool is a black hollow bead which can be crushed to black powder.

Silk – Silk when put under a flame burns and doesn’t melt. Smells of burning hair or feathers but doesn’t smell as strongly as wool as it doesn’t contain sulphur. It stops burning when removed from the flame. With the residue you are left with a black bead which can be crushed into a black powder.

Rayon – Rayon, when put under a flame burns and doesn’t melt. Smells like burning paper or wood, and after burning you are left with a residue of fine grey ash.

Polyester – As polyester is not a natural fibre, it can shrink from heat, melts, burns and can drip as a liquid. When alight the flame looks excited and starts flickering. When put under a flame it smells chemical like or sweet to an untrained nose. After being burnt, it is a hard cream or black bead that cannot be crushed.

Nylon – Shirks from heat, melts and can burn. Smells very similar to celery, and the residue can be left with a hard cream or black bead which cannot be crushed.

Acrylic – Shrinks from heat, melt and burns. Flame flickers when on fire. Acrid smell. Residue is hard black black bead that can be partially crushed.

There are many other natural and artificial fibres but i thought it would be for people to read about how each of these fibres act when under a flame. It shows that you can identify a fibre without knowing it at first glance, but under a flame you are able to quickly identify it.

Fibers are often used for forensic reason for the police to identify types of clothing or equipment used for a crime and knowing each fibre very well can make it much easier for an individual.

How To Tell If Somebody Loves / Likes You

I have found a few simple tips on how to tell if somebody loves of likes you. However you will have to assess the situation and environment before you start to consider these signs as they may be affected.

1) Shinning Eyes: It has been found that when a person likes you, their eyes appear to shine a little more in front of you. This is because when a person likes something or someone, their eyes naturally start to shine. However, keep the environment in consideration as sources of light may make the eyes appear to be shiny. 

2) Raised Eyebrows: According to body language a person may naturally raise their eyebrows the moment they see someone they love or like. This is a subconscious body reflex which a person is letting you know that they have acknowledged or seen you.

3) Prolonged Gaze: It has been found that people tend to gaze more at the eyes of people they love of like, while normal people would look in the eye for sometime then shift their gaze away for a few seconds before returning to eye contact.

4) Uneven Eye Contact Distribution: If a person loves or likes somebody they will tend to look at you more often. To explain this, if you were in a group, then the person who likes you will give you more of their eye contact, than they would give eye contact to the others in the group. It has been found that a prolonged gaze can actually lead to attraction. When you look into somebodies eyes for long periods of time, hormones that are responsible for attraction get released automatically into your bodes.

5) looking at you in funny situations: The person who likes you will want to see you laughing, that is why they give you a quick look after something funny has been said. This could be that they are trying to find something in common with you or that they are looking to see if you are laughing too. This may tell them that you have similar interests or into similar humour or jokes etc.

6) Pupil dilation: The pupil of the person who likes you will dilate in your presence. In other words you will notice that the pupil of that person is becoming wider in your presence. People’s Pupils dilate when they look at anything they like. Also keep the surrounding area in consideration as the smallest change in light may make the pupils dilate etc. 

7) Looking Away When You Catch Them Looking At You: Just as the person who likes you will want to look at you all the time, they will also want to look away as soon as they acknowledge you looking back. This happens because that person will want to show you that they are not interested in you order to protect their ‘ego’

8) Interested In Your Topics of Conversation: The person who likes you will often ask further details of the conversational topics and go into much more depth than in a normal conversation. This will be with the aim or finding similar interests, and having a longer conversation with you. Keep into consideration that it may be the persons job to go into detail or that the conversation genuinely interested them. Do not assume somebody loves or likes you just from this tip, but use it as a contributing factor with the other tips to strengthen you allegation. 

9) Heart Rate: It has been found that when a person likes or loves somebody, their heart rate will increase. This is due to the fact that hormones inside the body are released which make the heart start pumping faster. Also signs of nervousness around the person can be  seen, which will also make the heart pump faster. Keep into consideration that the persons previous or current movements may impact on this. Simple movements like walking up a flight of stairs will increase heart rate. 

I would suggest trying to observe these tips in your friend groups and try to pin point who likes you if you can. However keep the environment in consideration

Clothing Explained

Clothing can tell us a lot about a person.

The first type of clothing i will talk about is un ironed or dirty clothing. This type of clothing can indicate a few things about a person. Pieces of clothing that are un ironed and creased may indicate to us that the person who is wearing them was in some sort of rush or had no time to do their clothes properly. This could also indicate they had no access to an iron that day which could tell us they were away form home, or staying with somebody else or did not even go home that night.

The next type of clothing i will talk about is cheap clothing. Cheap materials like polyester may indicate the persons clothing is a standard issue uniform or they bought it especially for work. Cheap and Easy to maintain may indicate they would mind them getting dirty or damaged. However, cheap clothing may indicate that a person is struggling financially for reasons like no job, on benefits or homeless.

Expensive clothing can tell us a lot about a person. The first reason being that they are most probably excelling financially and that they have money to spend on clothes and jewellery. This could indicate that a person is into fashion and that they like the latest and hottest brands to wear, which it could tell us further that they like to be centre of attention and they have to look good to be there. Or another reason is that they are trying to make a good impression like being on a first date, job interview or that they work in a professional place.

Formal footwear is usually dark in colour, most commonly black or brown, and materials used are usually leather or suede. This type of footwear is mostly used in professional places like jobs, interviews, formal situations like court hearings or meetings.

Informal footwear is most commonly used for sporting activities, or casual and comfortable situations. This type of footwear is usually worn by the younger generation of people like teenagers etc. Brands that include in informal footwear could be Nike or Adidas etc. Most young people who wear these sorts of brands for footwear are usually following the latest trends in that style, so it is worth while keeping your eye out on the latest fashion trends for certain clothing. This may help you read a person much more clearly and efficiently.


Yet another post on lying.

This is quite a harder observational aim to look at, however, when somebody is lying, you may find that they cover ‘vulnerable’ parts of their bodies whilst telling the lie. Vulnerable parts of the body may be arms which aren’t covered by clothing, neck, ears and stomach. It is unclear why people do this, however some people do it subconsciously. Keep an eye out for this and put it in to practice.

Use these posts i do in your everyday life, like at work our out socialising, and see how accurate you can be

Many more posts to come!